Rain radar more information rain snow radar

Current status of the weather systems used in the operation of this website

Station system is up for 93 days 23 hours 18 minutes 45 seconds

It was last started 23-10-2024 07:22.

This station uses Meteohub (5.1-7384) software for weather conditions reporting

This software runs on a ALIX.1D (500 MHz) computer

  Component Status Age
Latest update time as of 
25-01-2025 06:46 
 WD live uploadMH/clientraw.txt Current 0:00:45 25-01-2025 06:45
 Realtime file uploadMH/clientraw.txt Current 0:00:45 25-01-2025 06:45
 Weather data files uploadMH/tagsMH.txt Current 0:04:45 25-01-2025 06:41
 Weather data for yesterday uploadMH/tagsYdayMH.txt Current 6:46:45 24-01-2025 23:59
 Weather data time 25-01-2025 06:41 Current 0:05:22 25-01-2025 06:41
 Graphs uploadMH/windrose.png Current 0:15:45 25-01-2025 06:30
 Disk space usage Data area Acceptable 29%  
 Disk space usage Root area Acceptable 73%